Celebrating Valentine's Day in the Secondary Classroom

Celebrating Valentine's Day in the Secondary Classroom

Wondering how to handle Valentine’s Day in the middle or high school classroom? We have tons of tips for you! (Plus...TWO free downloads!)

Rule Reboot: Navigating Back to Classroom Expectations in Middle and High School

Rule Reboot: Navigating Back to Classroom Expectations in Middle and High School

Looking to get back into the swing of things following an extended school break? You're in the right place! Read on for practical strategies to review rules and expectations in the middle or high school classroom.

5 Strategies for Addressing and Embracing AI in the Classroom

5 Strategies for Addressing and Embracing AI in the Classroom

If you’re worried about the impact of AI on your classroom and don’t know where to start, you’re in the right place. We felt that way, too – until we did some digging and figured out ways to work with AI instead of against it. Read on for five concrete strategies to address (and maybe even embrace!) AI in the middle or high school classroom.