Test Prep Strategies That Don't Suck

Test Prep Strategies That Don't Suck

It’s that time of year again…state testing season. If those words fill you (and your students) with dread, you’re not alone. We don’t know of anyone who lights up with joy at the thought of reading repetitive proctor scripts, covering up classroom decor, or planning test review days. If we’re being honest, state testing really sucks. But we are here to tell you that your test prep doesn’t have to! Read on for three tried-and-true strategies for painless test prep in the middle and high school classroom.

Play a Game

When you picture test prep, you might envision packets of sample items printed from your state’s website or multiple choice quizzes made by your curriculum publisher. Ugh — we’re yawning just thinking about it.

Instead of bland worksheets, try gamifying your review activities! Turn multiple choice questions into a Blooket or Gimkit for a simple switch. Students will love the competitive element, and they might even forget that they’re preparing for state testing!

If you want something a little more unique, give digital Google Sheets games a shot! We have two freebies to get you started: a sticker matching game for ELA review and a digital mystery picture game for Algebra review. Both games are self-checking, easy to use, and tons of fun. We know that you and your students will love them!

Keep it Moving

State testing season = a lot of time sitting in desks. Students are antsy and looking for opportunities to use up some energy. Harness that feeling with interactive review stations! Create review activities that get students out of their seats and moving to various centers throughout the classroom. Better yet, team up with some teachers in your hallway and have students switch rooms during stations!

The station review format is versatile and gives you the chance to incorporate multiple topics and activities. If you’re looking for ideas, we recommend mixing it up with engaging options: hands-on sorting tasks, secret message decoders, color by number activities, and question mazes are all great ways to keep students motivated and focused during stations.

Looking for test prep stations that are already done for you? Check out our spring-themed test prep stations! We have you covered with ELA, Algebra, and Biology station review lessons. Each resource comes with everything you need to create four different centers for students to visit! These activities can be used for individual, partner, or group work, and they are sure to amp up energy levels and get students moving.

Embrace the Routine

Whether we like it or not, test prep is a necessity in our classrooms. But if you’re reluctant to dedicate full days to the process, we get it! For those who would rather fit test prep into their lessons in bite-sized pieces, we recommend making it part of your classroom routine.

One simple and effective way to build this routine is through warm ups and bell ringers! Using standards-aligned review activities at the start of each class is a way to guarantee that students are exposed to testing strategies without the pressure of a full class period spent on review. Just five minutes per day can be enough to keep content fresh in students’ minds.

Need an example? Our state test-aligned Biology bell ringers are a great option! Get a free sample here, or click here to check out the full set.

Other easy routines can be exit tickets, weekly spiral reviews, or end-of-unit refreshers. It’s like sneaking vegetables into a child’s food…it gets the job done without the drama!

No matter which strategies you choose, we are wishing you and your students a stress-free testing experience! 

Any questions or tips of your own to share? Need to commiserate about your state testing season woes? Leave a comment on this post or send us an email at hello@survivinginsecondary.com. We’d love to hear from you!