Summer Self-Care Tips for Teachers

Summer Self-Care Tips for Teachers

We did it, teacher friends! The grade books are finalized, the progress reports are submitted, the classroom lights are off…it’s summer! Whether you were counting down the minutes until break or holding onto every second with a particularly special group of kids, the time has come to take off the “teacher” hat and put on those “off duty” sunglasses.

Sometimes, that shift is much easier said than done.

I was shocked after my first year teaching to find just how hard it was to relax! The adrenaline crash I experienced was beyond anything I had felt before, and despite the exhaustion, it was challenging to slow down and take care of myself. As the years have gone on, I’ve developed self-care strategies to help me truly recharge over the summer. Read on for 3 tried-and-true summer self-care tips for teachers!

1. Rely on routine

    Have you seen the meme that goes “I would love to go with the flow…but like…what time does the flow start? Is there parking available? What is everyone else wearing to go with the flow?” I’m pretty sure that was based on me. I am a type-A personality to the max, and I thrive on routine. So, as much as I’d love to totally kick back and chill in the summer months, I need some sort of schedule or system to keep me going.

    What I’ve learned is that this system does not need to be complicated! It can be as simple as a 5-item to-do list jotted on a sticky note or a 3-hour block in my phone calendar titled “READ A BOOK ON THE COUCH.” A small dash of structure can make a huge difference!

    Don’t be afraid to get a little more detailed if that works best for you! You could split your day into morning/afternoon/evening with key tasks for each timeframe, set different priorities for each day of the week (meal prep Monday, tidying Tuesday, etc.), or create a full calendar of activities.

    For a perfect middle ground, we’ve put together a “Self-Care Sunshine” tracker just for you! To play along, either use our set of 10 premade self-care activities, or fill in your own on the blank version! Then, make it a goal to complete one task per day for 10 days. Color in the corresponding ray of sunshine after each self-care activity to keep track! Repeat this again and again, or just try it once to get some new self-care ideas. Here’s the best part — if you email us a picture of your completed Self-Care Sunshine by July 31, 2024, you’ll be entered to win a $10 TPT gift card! We will select a winner on August 1, 2024…so our winner will be prepped and ready for that annual back-to-school sale. Click HERE to download your copy. Then, email us at when your artwork is complete!

    2. Be a mindful consumer

      The social media rabbit hole is REAL. I’ve certainly fallen victim to it many, many times. I’m sure you’ve been there, too. You pick up your phone to answer a text or check an email, and then before you know it, you’re 30 (…or 300) reels deep on Instagram and comparing your life to the curated, cookie-cutter ones you see online. Suddenly, you feel utterly not good enough, whether that’s as a teacher, a partner, a pet owner, a parent, or as a person in general. It’s a demoralizing feeling, and it’s certainly not how we want to spend our precious summer days.

      Now, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with following accounts that inspire you or that simply have aesthetics you enjoy staring at. I’d just like to propose a shift in social media consumption.

      Here’s my suggestion — if you want to prioritize self-care this summer, find accounts created by real people walking through that same journey, and follow them.

      Not sure where to start? Give @notablysara a follow for all things self-care and mental health! She is an educator who shares realistic, relatable snapshots of her life as she prioritizes self-care and encourages others to do the same. I look forward to her daily affirmations, Monday Joys, and Self-Care Sunday wheels! Sara is a burst of light & joy in my feed, and I’m sure you’ll love her, too.

      If you’re looking to take things a step further, consider adding uplifting accounts to your “favorites” section on Instagram, and commit to starting your scroll there each day. It’s a great way to reduce the noise of the algorithm and ensure that your focus stays on what matters most.

      3. Reconnect with yourself

        In the chaos of the school year, it can be easy to forget our passions and hobbies outside of teaching. Summer is the ideal time to reconnect with what makes you YOU. Do you love hosting Pinterest-perfect get-togethers? Set up a summer picnic with friends! Do you feel most relaxed when you’re curled up with a good book? Hit the library (or the Libby app) and set a reading goal! Do you come alive with creativity when you have time to create? Break out those watercolors, pick up the camera, or take a seat at the pottery wheel! Whatever it is that brings you joy and makes you feel like the best version of yourself, prioritize it and make the time. You will never regret those moments.

        On the other hand, do you draw a complete blank when someone asks you what you do for fun? I’ve been there, too. Summer is also a great time to explore and find new passions! Try searching for beginner classes in your local area — you may be surprised by the options! In my neighborhood alone, I’ve found crochet circles, candle-pouring workshops, DIY ice cream making sessions, floral arranging classes, and more! You never know what you’ll fall in love with, so don’t be afraid to try and fail. It’s all part of the journey!

        No matter what this summer looks like for you, I hope that you will find ways to prioritize self-care. It’s cliché, but true — you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take every opportunity to fill yours up over break! It will make all the difference when those classroom doors swing open again.

        Questions? Self-care tips of your own to share? We’d love to connect! Send us an email at, and we’ll get back to you…as soon as we’re done soaking up the summer sun!